                 Relife cases

                                R E L I F E  C A S E S

    Podier for Magasin SS´24

    This sign is made from reused plastic =

    approx. 3 kg. Co2 reduction per sign (Large)

    approx.. 1,5 kg. Co2 reduction per sign (Small)

    Handmade in Denmark by social economic workforce

    Relife Studio works with upcycling and a conscious approach to design and usage of resources. All our products are handcrafted, from waste-/ and surplus materials. We seek to inspire other people to rethink how resources are used instead of producing new ones.

    Our mission is to reuse & recycle waste-/ and surplus materials such as cardboard and twinwall plastic. Before Relife Studio these resources were seen as waste. Now it is taken back into a circle where we use it for new products  without adding too much new resources and materials to make the products. All our products can be repaired, which is also a statement of circular economy. Last but not least all our products can be separated down to pure resources and entering another circle of recycle

    We hope that with this product, which is handmade, in a small CSR company, where we value green values ​​for both the earth, people and our partners, to inspire other producing companies to rethink parts of their business. 



          Logo skilt 

            POS klods til skilt for the upcycl

              Merch for 

                Lamper for nior i horsens

                • Title

                  Genanvendelse af plakater fra JMF 2023 til  årets festival – 2024

                  Indretning af innovation og medborgerskabs lokale 

                    Skilt for Venstre 

                    FÆLLES OM FORANDRING

                    Bæredygtig Herning er en forening, et inspirationshus og en innovationspartner, der driver omstillingen i Herning mod et mere bæredygtigt samfund.

                    RCV – RESSOURCE CENTER VEJLE

                    RCV – RessourceCenter Vejle

                      nørrebro frandsen kit


                      • Resilience House – Dandy Business Park

                          Påskeæg for EVENT-DESIGN 

                          Insekt hotel

                          Juleguirlande for                Designet af 


                          • Julekurv 2023 for 

                            Rethink Business – Cirkulær Forretningsudvikling
                            • Kontakt

                            • +45 60 40 51 23

                            • Reprovej 2

                            • 8722 Hedensted

                            • Denmark

                            • CVR: 41691247

                            • Kontakt

                            • +45 60 40 51 23

                            • Reprovej 2

                            • 8722 Hedensted

                            • Denmark